Would you like to control your financial destiny? Think you could do a better job with your retirement savings than your super fund? Anything is possible if you Keep It Super Simple (KISS). The KISS approach to creating wealth through your own Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) explains how to take control and KISS your big superannuation fund goodbye. Keep it Super Simple is more than just another book about super. It explains what you need to consider before setting up an SMSF right through to closing it down, and virtually everything in between. It is a must-have, practical book for the 1 million people who are already members of an SMSF and for others who are considering managing their own superannuation fund. Superannuation and taxation experts, Barbara Smith and Ed Koken, draw on their decades of knowledge and practical experience in self managed superannuation to show just how easy it is to set up and manage your own superannuation money. They explain in plain-English how to start your own SMSF, the different investment approaches and strategies you can follow, how to manage cash flow, tax, insurance, how the superannuation laws apply to SMSFs, tips to use and traps to avoid and much, much more.
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