In today’ s fast-paced world, we all know the feeling of being swept away in a whirlwind of consumerism, instant gratification and debt only to think, &‘ Where did all my money go this month?’ In Spending, Fast and Slow, award-winning money coach Max Phelps helps readers understand the deep-rooted psychological factors that drive their spending habits and teaches them how to slow down spending to create a life of financial stability and true abundance.Married for 31 years, Max is self-confessed &‘ tight-arse’ and his wife is a natural shopaholic. With polar-opposite money habits, money was a constant source of arguments for the first 11 years of their marriage. Many of his clients struggle with their partner’ s money mindset in much the same way. Drawing inspiration from the groundbreaking works of behavioral economists and psychologists, such as Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, Max delves into the intricacies of human decision-making to uncover the cognitive biases and heuristics that often lead us astray when it comes to spending. Spending, Fast and Slow is an invitation to a life where money becomes a tool for achieving your dreams rather than a source of stress.
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